Resolution activities and targeted services

Maristella Portelli's notarial office

The Notary Portelli works in her office in Catania offering all kinds of notarial services: real estate buying and selling, succession and testamentary practices, power of attorney, issuing of notarial certifications, acceptance of inheritances, cancellation of mortgages, loans, their renegotiation, separation of property, exchanges, family businesses, company setting up and winding up, transfer of shares. Every notarial act is drawn up after strict controls, to guarantee that the juridical effects are not compromised by obligations or third parties’ rights, as in the case of mortgages, preemptions or legal constraints.

In the Service of Citizens and Companies

Translating the will of the parties into the best legal form: this is our goal, so that customers can pursue their goals

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    Lo studio Portelli presta assistenza ai privati e alle imprese nell’ambito delle attività notarili di diritto civile, commerciale e successorio; in particolare fornisce consulenza in merito alla protezione dei beni personali e familiari, consulenza fiscale su contratti e sulla realizzazione di operazioni di pianificazione patrimoniale e societarie

    INDIRIZZO Italia 196, 95129 Catania


    +39 095 371777